A look into HRA's Senior Project tradition

Pursuing independent study has been a tradition for Hampton Roads Academy students. While Senior Projects are a requirement for graduation, they also present an opportunity for students to learn about a subject that sparks their curiosity, passion or interest.  This year’s Senior Projects were wide-ranging. We will take a closer look a number of this year’s senior projects.
"A New Ship of Navigators" by Tiancheng "Nick" Xu and Junzhi "Leon" Deng
About their project: 
Our senior project is called A New Ship of Navigators. There are two parts. The first part is for Nick to make a 3D printer. The second part is for Leon to design a new school building. We printed the model of the building by using the 3D printer.

What was learned during the Senior Project experience:   The purpose of learning to use it. Something which often seems complicated is sometimes not that complicated.

Senior Project advice you would give to younger students: Choose a project that is interesting. Find something you like and have never had the chance to try.
