Welcome to the Jungle

Benjamin Rous, Director of College Counseling
Welcome to an ongoing conversation about college admissions.  I will be regularly posting thoughts on the subject, and in keeping with the nautical theme of our school, I’m calling it The Sextant (though I could be convinced to change it if I hear a better suggestion!); I figured that, as a sextant is a tool used to navigate, so too might this blog be a useful tool for students and parents to navigate the college admission landscape.

I’ve always been attracted to theories which contend that we can learn much about ourselves based on who our favorite Winnie-the-Pooh character is, or which instrument we’d most want to play in a rock band, or where we choose to sit on an airplane. Maybe I’m drawn to these pop-psychology exercises because they are simple ways to distill complexity, and I am fundamentally simple.

I prefer, however, to think that this attraction is the result of my liberal arts tendencies; that is, I love superimposing seeming unrelated things onto each other and seeing what emerges. In these postings, I will try to find truths (or at least, ideas worth considering!) about the world of college admissions.

And this process of college admissions is often perceived as something of a jungle; filled with vision-clouding, dense foliage and perceived as being full of predators and pitfalls, a fabulous prize awaits those who successfully navigate these challenges. (No coincidence, perhaps, that the now quaint Atari video game “Pitfall” was set in a jungle and that the game’s inspiration, Indiana Jones, recovered treasures of immeasurable power and cost!) The college admission process writ large is a hot topic in venues as disparate as the carpool line and the New York Times. And because it’s such a hot topic, much has been written about it. (Or, I suppose the inverse might actually be the case—because so much has been written about it, it has become a hot topic.)

I hope you will be inspired to participate by sharing your thoughts!

I look forward to hearing from you