2016 Matthew Robert Gendreau

Thanks to the Tayloe Enrichment Scholarship last summer, I had the privilege of being able to travel to the Dominican Republic to help an organization called Rustic Pathways in building aqueducts for a rural village near Jarabacoa, D.R. Most of my time was spent working with friends to loosen dirt with pickaxes and dig trenches to make way for pipes. This proved to be a very humbling experience, as I was constantly exposed to families living in poverty and having to perform intense physical labor every day. However, it was incredibly enlightening to me to see that despite the disadvantages these people face compared to those who live in places like America, these people still have no trouble enjoying themselves to the best of their ability. While in the Dominican Republic, I also had the opportunity to constantly be exposed to the Dominican culture, whether it was through food, music, social norms, or work ethics. Having the ability to appreciate the lifestyle of the locals and admire the scenery and activities near us like whitewater rafting greatly heightened my enjoyment of the trip. However, the most impactful part of my time spent abroad was being able to directly observe the effect that my service had on those around me. I am deeply grateful for having received the chance to travel to the Dominican Republic and help those in need while also enriching myself culturally.